Michael Jackson - REVIEWS

The Billion Dollar Secrets...

it's all about the numbers. It's about quantity, not quality.
You sit down and generate 50 ideas. Or 100 ideas. Or even better, 300 ideas. And from there, I bet you that at least one of them will be good enough to explode your business to the next level. That's the foundation -it's always a numbers game.

Generate brilliant, problem-solving profit-booming ideas,

How to Instantly Generate Big Ideas That Will Explode Your Business - The Billion Dollar Secrets

By [http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Kenneth_Yu/233302]Kenneth Yu

Billion Dollar Secrets I Stole From my Previous Employer I learned many things from advertising, including how to instantly and rapidly generate big ideas to explode your income. I'll begin by tackling the definition. What is a Big Idea? A big idea especially as relevant to our industry involves combining the "knew" and the "new". 'New' is something totally unrelated to the industry and 'knew' is something existing within the industry. When you combine them, you come up with something innovative which explodes your profits. They may be 'big ideas' in terms of advertising campaigns, products, marketing or sales strategy. Most people say that you can replicate success by using tried and true methods; many say that copywriting is swiping a few files to replicate success. It works in some cases but if you want to take your success to a whole new level, you need a big idea. Clayton Marketplace says his biggest winners in terms of his copywriting and his letters were based on big ideas which, in their time, were almost revolutionary in nature. It's from such big ideas that accelerated growth can happen. If you follow a predictable route, the growth will be predictable. Predictably high, perhaps, but if you want to go to the next level you need a big idea. If I had to describe the foundation for big ideas, I'd talk about a monkey sitting at a typewriter. A thousand typing monkeys locked up in a room over a century will be able to produce work the quality of Shakespeare. What I mean is, when it comes to big ideas, it's all about the numbers. The eureka moment; the 'aha' moment is a myth. It's about quantity not quality. How do you generate Big Ideas? You don't sit there and meditate and suddenly one big idea comes out...No, really. It doesn't happen like that. You sit down, and generate 50 ideas. Or 100 ideas. Or even better, 300 ideas. And from there, I bet you that at least one of them will be good enough to explode your business to the next level. That's the foundation -it's always a numbers game. But, how do you generate as many ideas as you can, you're wondering? There are some who regard themselves gurus who can generate brilliant, problem-solving profit-booming ideas, instantly. However, the rest of us mere mortals need to keep trying and pushing. This was how, in my previous life, I got hired as a copywriter although I had no prior experience. My boss told me to generate as many ideas as possible for three products. They didn't have to be good ideas, but I had to come up with as many fresh angles as possible. Within the space of 3hours, I came up with 300 ideas...and I was hired on the spot. This is the key: Be Avant-garde Outside Your Own domain. This key isn't just for generating big ideas, but for success in anything -even my success in advertising. In my time in advertising during which I won numerous awards, I attribute my success to this key. What's interesting is this: this key isn't from any business book. It was actually from an author by the name of Edmund White on a commentary on Salon.com. He observed that artists are mostly only avant-garde in their own domains. Although they expose themselves to the finest of their own field, everything else they take in is just like what everyone else is taking in. For example, as a marketer, if you want to be the best in your field, don't just study your field, marketing. When you do this, you create an incestuous loop, and you won't create new ideas because they're based on something someone else in marketing has done before. Even if you read many direct marketing and entrepreneurial books, you're still going round the same circle. But, if you step out of that domain, if you start, in the words of Brian Vaszily, "immersing yourself in genius", where you immerse yourself in the greatest form of human expression and creativity in every single field, good ideas will come out from there. Imagine that fruit are ideas and the soil is your imagination. The fertilizer then is to make sure that the soil is fertile and produces as much fruit as possible...that fertilizer consists of ideas outside your own domain, outside the realm of marketing. But, here's a disclaimer: The statement says no artist is avant-garde outside his own domain, and this basically means you MUST be an artist to begin with. This means that in order for this to work, you must master marketing first. Before an outside idea can work, you must know the rules of Internet marketing before you can tap into being avant-garde outside your own domain. If you are not a master of your own domain, if you are avant-garde outside your domain, everything will crumble because you don't have the proper foundation to know what's good or what works in your field. Most copywriters say that to succeed in your industry, you have to be an expert in your field and in your products because when you know your product inside out, you can express it in new ways. It's probably part of the secret behind Agora's success. There are many ways to tap into generating big ideas, but below are two fairly instant, practical ways to go about doing this. You have to immerse yourself in genius, in music and the arts, in different specialty magazines -you may find some good ideas. This is what I sometimes do. I call it funnel vision in practice. How to generate a Big Idea Funnel vision is a concept by Jay Abraham, the basic idea of which is this: if you look outside your own field into another domain, whatever is there -their cliches and norms -take them and apply them to your field and your products will soar. It's instant innovation, and there are two practical ways to do it. i. From the Inside, Looking Out Dan Kennedy says to list down all the norms of your industry -its standard picture poses, usual phraseology, etc. And then, you break and/or twist them, one by one. ii. From the Outside, Looking In Take another industry, list their traits and cliches, and apply them in your industry and in every aspect of how you run your business. E.g. if you take the example of an airline where they have free tickets and a check-in counter, think of how you would apply these to your business. You can generate a lot of ideas using these two techniques. Listing the norms may take you a while, and just by twisting them you already have 20-30 ideas off the bat. Overnight Test To illustrate this, I would use the example of somebody sleeping. That's how simple it is. In advertising, it's called the overnight test. A good idea at that time may be the most contemptible of ideas in the morning. You might think it a genius idea when you first come up with it, you might find it amazing, but sleep over it first and see if it's still a 'genius idea' in the morning. If, in the morning, you are still equally excited about it, it most likely means yes, it is a good idea because it has passed the overnight test. There are other idea-generating methods, and I'll continue sharing these with you. And, now I would like to invite you to visit our internet marketing blog where we test, synthesize and share the latest internet marketing tactics and strategies to help you better run your online business.

You can get a lot more useful information here http://blog.mindvalleylabs.com/ Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?How-to-Instantly-Generate-Big-Ideas-That-Will-Explode-Your-Business---The-Billion-Dollar-Secrets&id=1296558] How to Instantly Generate Big Ideas That Will Explode Your Business - The Billion Dollar Secrets

Billion Dollar Secrets,advertising campaigns, products, marketing, sales strategy,Advertising,how to instantly and rapidly generate big ideas,What is a Big Idea? innovative,relevant to our industry,

In an ideal world

The secret of successful collaboration

By Donna Lichaw February 23, 2018 Web design

Three techniques guaranteed to help achieve group project bliss.

In an ideal world, a digital project should act like a campfire; a central point of interest that draws together experts, practitioners and stakeholders. But when you’re trying to achieve this across an ever-shifting team, how might you maintain that shared sense of focus? Here are some top techniques to try.


01. Create a shared vocabulary

Every project participant comes to the table (even if it is a virtual one) with a different lens; a different perspective on a subject, which means they have a different language from you. If you’ve ever sat at a boardroom table listening to a conversation and thought “I don’t understand what these people are talking about” then you’ve experienced one of the main blockers to creating a fruitful collaboration, which is not having a shared language.

The more diverse your group members are, both culturally, physically, mentally, and in terms of their domains of expertise, the more potential you have to innovate and create something no-one has ever seen before. But it requires acknowledging that time and effort need to go into the language you’re using.

As part of my work at Clearleft, I recently facilitated a workshop with 16 Artificial Intelligence experts from all over the world. In order to create divergence in the conversation and reflect the diversity in the group, I ran a “vocabulary dump”. Every individual took 15 minutes to write out all the words they could think of from their domain on sticky notes. We stuck them together randomly in a cloud, covering several metres of window space.

We then used our huge vocabulary cloud to act as a starting point for discussion, allowing people to question what one another’s phrases meant, and also pick up on nuances in meaning. It was a wonderfully collaborative way to spark helpful discussion and identify where there was convergence and divergence in our vocabularies.

02. Establish a north star

A few organisations we work with are now using the evocative term “North Star”. It’s a short central organising statement in the form of a proposition or an elevator pitch. The act of composing this short North Star statement with everyone on your project is a surprisingly challenging exercise in collaboration, but the major benefit of the work is that it draws the team together in order to iron out inconsistencies in everyone’s perception of what they’re doing. It’s not copywriting or marketing language, it’s just a plain language statement that shows the team have consensus around what it is they are creating together.

Try working with your team (whether they are near or far) to answer these questions about your project:

  • What does this thing do? For example, it’s a thing to write with

  • Who is it for? For example, it’s for people who want to write things down

  • How does it help them? For example, it helps them to collect all their thoughts on paper

03. Make a set of cultural principles

Some organisations like to create sets of values, others have rule books, some even have manifestos. One set of guidelines we’ve enjoyed using is the “It’s ok to…” list, inspired by a system used by the .gov.uk team. Examples from that list include:

  • It’s ok to say ‘I don’t know’

  • It’s ok to have a messy desk

  • It’s ok to make mistakes

One way to gather these guidelines is by asking your team members to contribute stories that begin “I liked it when…” or “I like the way…” about other brands, work experiences, or about your working culture. The act of doing this is in itself a positive experience that focuses the team on the act of collaboration.

Get your tickets to Donna Lichaw's talk at Generate now!

Donna Lichaw guides startups, non-profits, and global brands in optimising their digital products and services by providing them with a simplified way to drive user engagement.

In her talk at Generate New York from 25-27 April 2018 she will reveal while many of us seek out the newest and shiniest tools, methods, and processes to build more successful websites, apps, products and services, we often overlook one of the oldest, leanest, most effective tools out there: the structurally sound story.

Whether you realise it or not in the moment, you experience everything as if it was a story. The better the story, the more likely you are to want to use a product, continue to use it, pay to use it, and recommend it to others.
Get your ticket now!

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